Easy Biz Tech LLC

Technical SEO vs Content SEO: How Each Works Differently

SEO suits businesses because, in today’s digital world, positioning, visibility, and reach within Google Search are key to achieving significant marketing success and growth. It has become increasingly difficult to achieve your search performance goals today since Google’s algorithm is becoming increasingly complex and intuitive. It looks beyond your website pages when determining how to rank them.

Creating a digital content strategy that includes both technical web development and marketing skills will help your content rank well in search i.e; having a strategic understanding of how different marketing channels work in conjunction to funnel leads to your website organically, along with the knowledge of how to design landing pages that convert website visitors into leads and sales.

Obviously, this is an enormously different area that necessitates a very distinct and thoughtful approach. So, to assist you in understanding as many aspects of the Google Search process as possible, let’s compare the technical SEO strategy and content marketing strategy.

Technical SEO


The technical SEO process refers to the optimization of your website to assist search engines in reading and/or interpreting its content. Additionally, it will enhance the user experience for your target audience. 

Contrary to content-based SEO, this approach is characterized by technical aspects due to the fact that its components are code-based. Implementing them often requires the expertise of a web developer.

What Does Technical SEO include?

Even though technical SEO involves a wide variety of activities, the most important ones are:

1- Page Speed

Users tend to abandon sites with slow loading pages, so optimizing the speed and load time of your website pages is really important. Optimize your images, compress your files, cache data, and limit redirect links to improve page load times.

2- Robots.txt

“Robots.txt” is a text file within the root directory of your website that tells search engines what they can and cannot crawl on your site. Disallow duplicate content, low-value pages, and other content you don’t want to be indexed to preserve your crawl budget, the amount of time search engines allocate to crawl your entire website. This makes your site easier to navigate and eliminates unimportant pages and ultimately boosts ranking.

3- Digital Accessibility

Making appropriate content and images easier to access by differently-abled users is the goal of web accessibility. Accessible content as well as SEO-optimized content, both of which are machine-readable, can have major positive effects on SEO. In how they read and navigate your site, search engines and assistive technologies (such as screen readers) are quite similar.

The broken link will return 404 errors on clicking, rather than navigating to a new page, since the destination is not available. 

A broken link may not work for a variety of reasons, including:

  • There is no longer an accessible version of the targeted website.
  • There was no redirect for the targeted webpage.
  • A change was made to the website’s URL structure.

Content SEO


The purpose of content SEO is to ensure your website appears higher in the search engine results by reaching and driving web users interested in the content you have published there to your site. The specific content on individual pages influences ranking for certain keywords. In addition to improving external ranking signals, earning links from credible sites will increase your website’s credibility with Google as well.

Regardless of whether the content is on or off your site, you can produce robust content, which is unique, relevant to the keyword search, on or off your site, and it will likely rank higher than “thin” content that is of low quality and lacks relevance to the searcher’s intent, as well as content that simply states what can be found elsewhere on the web without adding anything unique or helpful.

What Does Content SEO Include?

The content SEO does include the following steps:

1- On-page optimization of keywords

A key component of on-page SEO is optimizing content for the right keywords. In-depth, authoritative articles provide opportunities to use keywords consistently on every level of the body content, including HTML headers, URLs, image alt text, and image alt tags.

To improve your on-page SEO, you should include the following content elements:

  • Page Titles and Meta Descriptions: Each page on the internet should have a title and meta description. Much like a book, they tell you where you are and what the page is about.
  • URLs: The URLs help explain what a page is about to visitors. And keeping the URLs short makes them easier to share.
  • Avoiding cannibalization: In keyword cannibalization, too many identical or similar keywords are spread throughout your web content. Consequently, search engines like Google can’t determine which content to rank higher. As a result, it may rank the web page you don’t want to prioritize higher.
  • Image alt text: Alternative text, also known as “alt tags” and “alt descriptions,” is the written copy that appears in place of an image on a webpage in case the image is not loaded. Screen-reading tools can better describe your website using this text and search engines can better crawl and rank it.

2- Developing high-quality content (“E-A-T”)

“E-A-T” represents Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness in the world of SEO. The E-A-T concept is thoroughly discussed in Google’s guidelines for Search Quality Raters which help webmasters get access to this information online to discover what Google’s search engine algorithms “look for” in web pages.

In summary, demonstrating good E-A-T in content published both on and off your website may potentially benefit your Google ranking. Furthermore, it’s important to know that authority, expertise, and trustworthiness are similar concepts but not the same. Therefore, they are all evaluated. Since each set of criteria is different, there is no simple “catch-all” method to deal with the breadth of Google’s E-A-T.

When you do content properly, it can act as organic linkbait, attracting readers who will then share it organically with their networks. With timely and industry-relevant content, on-page SEO and links build a lasting relationship for search engine optimization.

The more evergreen articles you publish, the more likely you are to attract links and stay on top of SERPs.

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The fact is without the other, doing one is essentially useless. No matter how fast your site is! If you don’t provide any content to access it, it will be useless to both bots and humans. The opposite is also true—what good are great articles and videos if no one can find them (or wait for them to load)?

A more effective way to accomplish them both is to do them together:

  1. Start with technical SEO as this is the foundation of your site. Establish everything correctly at the start, and you can save yourself a lot of headaches and time in the future. Thus, you should dedicate most of your time to technical SEO at the beginning, or while redesigning or migrating a website.
  1. After completing your technical checks, publish your content. Make sure that your content marketing is a continual process, and this is what’s most important here. It is imperative to continually publish new content on your website and promote it through social media, email outreach, and link building.

To make it short, content SEO and technical SEO are equally important from a marketing point of view. When it comes down to it, it’s content marketing that’s going to require the most time of your attention due to the fact that you will be creating new content weekly or daily. If you are looking for the best SEO Bellingham Services, contact us. To read more blogs on SEO services keep visiting Easy Biz Tech.

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