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5 Content And SEO Trends That Will Dominate In 2022

Content And SEO Trends – Any digital marketing strategy can be challenged by SEO. This is because SEO is constantly changing and evolving. Google updates its search engine algorithm over a hundred times each year. Even though some of the changes you make may seem insignificant, they may have a noticeable impact on your ranking and SEO. It is therefore imperative that you are aware of how SEO is changing and which factors will become more relevant and will be valued by Google in the future.

Content And SEO Trends for 2022 –

So, here we’re taking a closer look at some of the top SEO trends for 2022:

1- Voice Search Optimization


Talking to your smart device is more convenient than typing keywords into a search box. A whole new era began when Google launched its voice search feature in 2002. To this day, we are still feeling the effects of this technological revolution.

Voice search continues to grow in popularity in the U.S. As of 2017, 13% of households had a smart speaker. It is predicted that that percentage will reach 55% in 2022, according to OC&C Strategy Consultants.

People who own smart speakers are more likely to use voice assistants on their smartphones, too. According to Voicebot.ai, 39.8% of smartphone voice assistant users own smart speakers as well. By 2023, Juniper Research predicted that 8 billion voice assistants will be in use globally, three times the 2 billion in 2018.

In what way does all of this relate to an SEO trend? The reality is that voice search optimization is essential for content marketers in 2022. To help you take action, consider these insights:

Target SERP features by optimizing content

Based on the SEMrush study, 70% of answers to voice searches came from a SERP feature. 60% of these answers occupied a featured snippet.

Focus on keywords in phrases using natural language

Includes both question-and-answer options and long-tail options. Make sure you don’t use weird keyword combinations.

Keep it simple

According to Backlinko, the ideal Google voice search result should be as simple that it can completely be understood by 9th graders. The verbal responses should be appropriate and easy to digest, and should not need repetition. Personalize your content to reflect this.

2- Content With Longer-Tail Keywords Is More Targeted


The Hubspot report claims that brands can make 67% more leads by publishing blog content on their websites than those who don’t have any content on their websites. 71% of B2B buyers are more likely to read blog posts during their buying journey.

Does a blog with any content beat a blog without any content? Possibly, but there’s no place for mediocrity. The quality content produced by savvy, clever digital marketing experts will win out in 2022 over low-quality content.

Long-tail keywords are used in more than 70% of online searches. By using longtail keywords in your blogging strategy, you’ll already be ahead of the competition. Furthermore, optimizing your website for voice searches is compatible with using longtail keywords.

Start by saying “OK, Google” or “Hey, Siri”, and you’re likely to see disjointed keywords. This will be a conversational phrase or question.

You will need to intentionally format longtail keywords in 2022. SEO trends may change, but some practices never go out of style. A systematic, accurate, and focused use of keywords tells Google that your content is valuable.

Try using the format – bold text, short paragraphs, and bullet points – for your own writing. By using longtail keywords, you will be able to reach people who are looking for content that matches their needs. A great search result will impress conversion-ready leads more often.

3- The Power of E-A-T vs Domain Names


The core of SEO Bellingham has always relied on low-hanging fruit over the years. What a domain name can do:

1- Your rankings improved dramatically after including keywords in the domain name.

2- It appears that domain age and previously accumulated authority played a significant role in boosting your rankings.

It was fairly easy to fake both of those signals. In order to purchase a keyword-rich domain name, you can sacrifice its “brandability” or invest in a domain name that has already been established.

Domain names are no longer directly associated with ranking, these days. With its smarter algorithm and knowledge graph, Google can tell if a domain is genuine and determine its EAT (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness).

Ranking higher in search results is no longer an easy or predictable process. Your brand needs to be established, you need to be trusted, and your authorship needs to be more cohesive. Your domain name still matters, but mainly indirectly. What makes your small business unique and how easy is it to associate it with your niche?

Finding a keyword-rich domain name may not be as important as generating a business name. Being able to establish a strong brand and solidify your entity is more important than finding a name that already exists. Clicks are not as important as page experience signals. Now, it’s all about tracking the right metrics!

4- Optimizing Rich Content With SEO-Friendly Imagery


Relevance in non-text content and SEO-ready content are two other trends to consider when considering the content. It’s time to say goodbye to random stock photos and vague images. A more elegant and sleeker replacement should be used for anything that is too heavy, distracting, or flashy.

So, are you guys ready for image SEO? You might want to consider the following tips for publishing rich content:

Original imagery creation

Infographics have a direct connection to text content when combined with simple explainers. Using them in the right way will increase their likelihood of being discussed and shared.

Utilizing relevant focus keywords for naming and tagging images

When creating filenames and alt tags, use common sense and logic. It is essential that your images are described in a way that aligns with the text content they will support, without using irrelevant words.

Streamlining file sizes to make it easier for pages to load faster

Bounce rates rise with slower loading pages, according to Think with Google. For sites to run efficiently and quickly, images need to be compressed and a plugin must be used.

Format the files appropriately

There is no requirement that all images be JPEGs. To add simple animation, optimize quality, or reduce file size, it’s sometimes better to use formats like GIF or PNG.

All in all, you should create helpful and original content that engages your audience and helps them to better understand the topic being discussed.

5-Implementing Your Digital Strategy With Interactive Content


Continuing with our discussion of better imagery and its positive impact on your digital marketing strategy, let’s talk about our last and final SEO trend to keep in mind for your content marketing strategy for 2022 i.e, interactive content.

Eighty-eight percent of marketers believe that interactive content can differentiate their brands from that of their competitors. Most B2B buyers prefer visual and interactive content over any static content.

But, what does it mean exactly to talk about interactive content? Content, games, assessments, calculators, quizzes, etc are all examples of tools that encourage users to act. Additionally, you can create interactive versions of infographics, ebooks, white papers, and lookbooks. You do not have to make the interactive content complicated. Here, we provide you with a simple and effective example:

How many of the 100 most popular books of America have you read? Take the PBS quiz. It will help you find the answer. It is always amazing how PBS can create multiple ways for its readers to interact with basically the same data. The “Read the 100 List” link found on the top menu leads to a page where a tiled-format list of 100 titles is available for manipulation. Sort alphabetically by author or title or filter by genre to work with the 100 lists. 

As an alternative, you may find the New York Times tax bill calculator useful. A tax bill calculator requires the input of certain information from a user, like household members and gross income, resulting in the animation of a description of the bill. It was very timely when it originally came out and is an excellent example of an interactive graphic.

In 2022, marketing experts will need to develop new and more innovative methods of engaging their audiences. Nonetheless, it doesn’t mean trying to create futuristic or edgy content. The content should provide value to the user like all other content.

Now You are Ready to Rock 2022!

There is a lot of excitement in SEO in Seattle, as it is an industry that is moving fast. Those who were first to “get it” became competitors of those who waited a while to do so. The tools and tips above regarding Content and SEO Trends will help you stay ahead of the curve in 2022 and beyond! So, get ready to rock 2022!

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