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Internal Linking for SEO – Why Internal Links Are Crucial?

Internal linking is one of the most important elements for search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines use internal links to determine which content the searcher should view first and this is why you want your blog posts, pages, articles linked in a certain way. Internal linking helps improve the visibility of your website, and as a result, can help you rank higher in search results. When done correctly, internal linking can also help you to get more page views. In this blog post, we will discuss what exactly is internal linking and the importance of internal links. Keep reading to learn more!

Internal links are those that point from one page to another on the same site. These are links that you place in your content, blog posts, news columns etc. to direct the users’ attention towards particular topics within those articles.

Internal linking should be reflected throughout a website and used strategically when introducing new subject areas or concepts which warrant revisiting prior ones. Internal links help provide continuity between pages so that people can always find their way back to the area they have just visited.

Search engines use internal links primarily because they make it easy for people to find relevant pages if there are multiple pages containing some similar subject on the same website.

Internal links are an essential part of the content on a website. But with this comes the responsibility to create effective internal linking schemes that will improve your website in various ways, providing different benefits for each page it takes users through.

In general, you should aim to have at least 150-300 internal links throughout your site; preferably more if possible! This will ensure that people are able to quickly and easily follow any topics they might be interested in within the content of your website.

Having too many internal links will, in fact, prevent real navigation within your site and may cause lagging or irritating issues for people visiting. Because they cannot quickly find what is needed from enough places to see all available information on a topic. 

Internal links are important because they can make your blog more relevant to the people visiting it. Those who are looking for specific information relate them to other pages on a website. 

Internal linking is beneficial to your overall SEO strategy in a variety of ways. Read some of them below.

Internal linking improves PageRank

Internal linking to other blog posts provides information as well as links that are essential for improving your website’s Google PageRank. The more links you have, the greater your site becomes relevant to users and will in turn become higher ranking Internal linking improves rankings.

  • Content must be perceived by search engines, and this means that internal linking between content pages is one of the better ways to add value in exchange for higher page ranking. It aids navigation while strengthening the site itself through providing links elsewhere on important topics within your articles.
  • It is possible that if a site describing multiple topics is shown, search engines may rank the page that they link to.
  • Since pages are ranked in proportion to their PageRank and on-page SEO benefits. When you add internal links within your blog posts this increases the number of likely keywords which can be used by any similar sites linking back.  This would highly increase your overall chances of ranking!

Internal linking boosts page views

One of the simplest ways to increase your blog’s overall traffic is by providing internal links. This will attract visitors to your blog and encourage them to leave without being tempted away by other sites. For this reason, bloggers have found considerable success using internal linking as an extension to their text itself. 

Relevant linking will help new visitors, many of whom probe all around the new site in their frequent visits. They will not immediately fly off to a competitor’s website. And you are enhancing your chances of keeping those precious visitors longer.

Internal linking gives authority to your website

Internal linking gives much credibility to your site. These links need not be prominent and should blend naturally with the flow of text on your site. This will ensure high-quality messages are being transmitted across. Which has a profound influence on improving the authority of a website.

By associating links between different pages on the same site, you will gain unique signals from other sites which indicate reputation as well as awareness of topics. That may be used by search engines to make a distinction between sites with similar content. This will quickly boost the authority of your site and make it more popular over time.

Internal linking improves time on site

The internal links also play a crucial role in how long visitors stay on your website. Internal links will help in creating pages for your site that receive higher levels of engagement.

 It is likely that visitors will want to click on your links. And they will read more of the content you are posting. This may mean they spend several minutes reading text, which can help create a much longer visit.



If you’re not using internal linking to your advantage, now may be the time to start!

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